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Balmar ULR Universal Lamp Relay
Balmar Universal Lamp Relay

Balmar ULR Universal Lamp Relay

On sale $23.99 $20.99
Many high output marine alternators do not have Diode Trio circuit to provide a signal for a charge indicator lamp. This Universal Lamp Relay can use the stator output of the alternator to restore this functionality.
p/n: ULR
Availability: In stock

Many high output marine alternators do not have Diode Trio circuit to provide a signal for a charge indicator lamp. This Universal Lamp Relay can use the stator output of the alternator to restore this functionality.

  • Uses alternator stator to activate a lamp circuit
  • Includes 30 Amp Relay and wiring adaptor
  • Use to automatically activate alarms, fans or blowers
  • Installation instructions included
  • Wiring diagram
  • Datasheet
We have discovered another use for this relay.  If you look at the "additional information" tab you will see that it can be used to control an alternator from a BMS in a Lithium Battery System.

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