Sorry for the big price hike. The price increase will affect all Blue Sea Systems ELCI products including: ELCI Circuit Breakers, ELCI Stock Panels, ELCI Custom Panels and ELCI SMS Enclosures. Carling Technologies announced in December 2023 that they intended to halt production of their GFCI/ELCI HyMag Circuit Breaker Line due to the obsolescence of a critical PC component. In January 2024, Carling reversed that decision and announced that they would redesign the ELCI Circuit Breakers with new components and new pricing. To support the development costs, Carling implemented a substantial price increase effective immediately.
This Panel meets the requirements of ABYC Standard E-11 when mounted within 10 feet of a shore power inlet. The included ELCI provides 30mA whole boat ground fault protection for the entire AC shore power system beyond the ELCI.