Surface Mount Panels
These panels and enclosures are designed for use in cockpit lockers and lazarettes. Except for p/n 3131 which is not waterproof, the rest of these enclosures are waterproof to IP 66. The enclosures take A and C frame flat rocker breakers. The principal use of these is intended to facilitate compliance with the ABYC standards below but they can also be used as branch circuit breaker panels for AC or DC in any dirty, dusty, or damp environment.
ABYC 11.11.1 An Equipment Leakage Circuit Interrupter (ELCI) or Type A Residual Current Device (RCD) shall be installed with or in addition to the main shore power disconnect circuit breaker(s) or at the additional overcurrent protection as required by E- whichever is closer to the shore power connection.
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