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Victron  Energy ASS030537010 VE.BUS Bluetooth Smart dongle
Victron VE.BUS Bluetooth Smart dongle

Victron Energy ASS030537010 VE.BUS Bluetooth Smart dongle

On sale $110.00 $93.50
VE Bus to Bluetooth smart dongle
p/n: ASS030537010
Availability: Temporarily out of stock - more due in shortly
If you have an older MultiPlus or Quattro you need to see if it is compatible.  You need to be able to update the MultiPlus or Quattro to the 4xx firmware, only units with the new microprocessor, firmware starting 26xxxxx or higher can be updated as the older units do not have enough memory.  In order to update the firmware you have to already have the Mk3USB interface. I have written a Blog post on how to Update the Firmware in your MultiPlus or Quattro which also shows you how to check what firmware you have.

Once you have updated the firmware and installed the VE Bus dongle the functionality is still quite limited.  It can be used for switching the unit on and off between inverter and charger modes, and it can be used to adjust the charging current. That's all you can do with it  You cant use the VE Bus Dongle to switch the unit on and off if you also have the Digital Multi Control, the two devices do the same thing so you have to pick one or the other, you cant have both.  Also you cant adjust the current limit if you also have a VE Bus BMS.

If you are not installing a temperature sensor the best place to install the VE Bus dongle is on the outside of the MultiPlus.  It comes with a sticky patch for attaching it.  You will then need a short length of VE Bus cable to connect to the MultiPlus (0.3 m or 0.9m)  If you intend to use the temperature sensor option (sold separately) then the dongle would mount near to the batteries and you will need a longer VE Bus cable to go to the MultiPlus.

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