Mounting options for m-Series battery switchesThe same switch can be mounted in three different ways.  The back of the switch is removeable and each face of the back has a removeable section.  Here are some photos that explain how it all goes together.  The photos below show the 6007 switch but the same applies to the entire range of m-Series switches.

Rear view with cover removed
Here we have the back cover removed and below you can see that it comes away in one piece.  In the photo below you can see that one side panel is removed for wire access.  This is how the switch is shipped since at least one side panel has to be removed.  It is possible to remove all the other three side panels if you wish.

The back cover is removeable

Detailed drawing with dimensions
Click on the image above to enlarge the drawing.  Below is a detail of the recessed mounting option:

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