We often get asked how to set up a MultiPlus or Quattro to pass through shore or generator power but not charge the batteries. There are two ways to do this, one is a permanent programming change and one is a conditional programming change.
This first screenshot shows how to make a permanent change by setting the charge current to zero, this screenshot came from the VE Configure Program.

Here is the equivalent screenshot from the Victron Connect program with the current set to zero:

This will not be convenient if you only want this to happen sometimes. To make this a conditional change that requires an input you have to use the VE Configure program and set up the Charge Current Control Assistant. The series of screenshots below describes the scenario. You select one of the unused aux or temp sensor terminals of the Multiplus or Quatro to be your input, and then when you apply a voltage to that terminal the pre-programmed settings come into effect. Otherwise, the standard settings apply. Hopefully, these screenshots are self-explanatory.


Then you arrange a wire to supply voltage to the chosen pin, control it by a switch, and it allows you to toggle between low (or no) charging and full charging
IMPORTANT NOTE: The maximum voltage allowed for the Aux port is 5 volts. I am going to have to do some research on how to work with this in a more practical way because 5 volts isnt going to be all that convenient in most installations.