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  6. Victron QUA245021010 Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 230V VE.Bus
Victron QUA245021010 Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 230V VE.Bus
Victron QUA243020010 Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 230V VE.Bus

Victron QUA245021010 Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 230V VE.Bus

On sale $2,947.00 $2,504.95
Inverter charger for 24 VDC, 230 VAC, 5KVA
p/n: QUA245021010
Availability: Temporarily out of stock - normally available within two weeks
Although this item is readily available we consider it a special order and it is not returnable.  For 230 volts AC.

  • 24 volt DC input
  • Pure Sine Wave 230 volt 60 Hz AC output
  • 5 KVA output 230 volts
  • 2 x 100 Amp transfer switch
  • 120 Amp charger for main battery
  • 4 Amp charger for start battery
  • Battery temperature sensor included
  • Optional remote panel available - see below
  • Multiple units can be configured together to provide three phase or other configurations up to a maximum of 50 kVA output
  • 17.5" x 12.9" x 9.5" dimensions (H x W x D) approx
  • 66 Lbs
  • Victron part number QUA243020010 or latest revision
Because this is a 230 VAC unit we consider it a special order and not returnable

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