The BEP Pro Electrical Installer System
The BEP Pro Installer system allows a greater density of connections to make for compact easy to install electrical systems. Entire battery connection systems can be pre-assembled off-site and installed in one go for maximum efficiency. Here are just a couple of sample images and videos to whet your appetite:

What is shown in the picture here (from left to right) is a 778-T2S-400 Pro Installer Class T Fuse Holder w/2 Additional Studs, a 779-LB-2 Linkbar, a 770-EZ Pro Installer 400A EZ-Mount On/Off Battery Switch, three 778-ANL2S Pro Installer ANL Fuse Holder w/2 Additional Studs connected together and to the switch with a 779-LBJ-4 Pro Installer 4 Way Joiner Bar
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