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  5. Balmar UAA2 Dogleg adjustment arm without tensioner
Balmar UAA2 Dogleg adjustment arm without tensioner
Balmar UAA2 Dogleg adjustment arm

Balmar UAA2 Dogleg adjustment arm without tensioner

On sale $58.99 $52.99
Alternator adjustment arm with dogleg for Yanmar engines. Screw tensioning device NOT included
p/n: UAA2
Availability: In stock
This version of the Balmar adjustment arm includes a dogleg to work with Yanmar engines. The thickness of the arm is approx 4mm or 1/4" inch and you can see that the front face of one end lines up with the back face of the other, so the total amount of the dogleg is approx 1/4" or 4mm.  This is the same offset found on Yanmars.

The arm is longer than needed and you can cut off any excess if you want.  This version comes WITHOUT the adjustment turnbuckle

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